Kaleidoskop M​ü​nsterland

Photo by Nils Mosh
Logo Design by Eicke Riggers & tonwelten team

These compositions were commissioned and premiered in 5.1 surround sound on September 16 2023 at the tonwelten festival in Münster, Germany.

In 2023, the tonwelten festival commissioned me to compose a long piece of music using field recordings made in four different locations around Münster, to be performed later at the Festival.
All the field recordings used in these compositions were made by the field recordist Nils Mosh, who was also commissioned, over a period of several months in 2023 in four locations that were chosen by the festival - Ascheberg, Everswinkel, Heiden and Nordwalde - and compiled for my compositional material.

My main intention with this compositional work was to try and create a soundtrack of a sort to these four places that I had never been to, by imagining them through the sounds that Nils recorded and the photographs and histories of the locations that the festival provided me with, and then adding a musical element with some electronic sounds.

The field recordings used in each track have been taken exclusively from what was recorded in the respective locations, so that you can enjoy the musical scenery of each place.

The bells of churches, the songs of animals on farms and elsewhere, the sounds of vehicles, industrial machines and the voices of local people have all been sonified and reflected, while retaining as much of their original form as possible.

- Text by Midori Hirano 


June 6th: Midori Hirano @ Dauw Labelnight (Ghent, BE)


V.A. Music for Siam